Animales 🦝🦝

Guardians Of The Galaxy Rocket GIF by Marvel
foroGORE, cada dia menos fiel a su nombre, me gusta.
dang it, they had d heart to take him intotheir home when he grew up, when they were able to let him go.
dang it, they had d heart to take him intotheir home when he grew up, when they were able to let him go.
They tried to help him and they took a liking to him and he became one of the family, in the end they ended up happier with him at home instead of having let him go

Idk if i said It correctly, my english is not very good haha
They tried to help him and they took a liking to him and he became one of the family, in the end they ended up happier with him at home instead of having let him go

Idk if i said It correctly, my english is not very good haha
You said it correctly my friend